söndag 7 augusti 2011

The end of summer vacation

Today sitting here and thinking about how much I wish I had a whole week of sunnny warm weather to enjoy.  next week I go back to work, after 6 weeks off.  The idea of all the things I know will hit me the minute I get back has me thinking how nice it would be to just be a stay-at-home mom.  Or do anything other than what I need to do. 
One of my favorite jobs ever was working at Subway as a high school student.  The whole beauty of that job was that you showed up, did the work, and then went home and were free.  The same for waitressing - nice people who weren't trying to stab each other as they climbed the career ladder, just people showing up to get a paycheck, and thus enjoying being with each other while they worked.  Why is it that the more education people get the nastier they become?  Is it too much to ask to just have nice people working together without trying to show each other up?  At the waitress station, if we noticed one of our fellow waiters was falling behind, we would just all pitch in to help them catch up.  I never have noticed that at my current work.

The other thing that was perhaps different was that it was easy enough to just ask each other for help - it went like this, " Hon, I am swamped just now - any chance you could help me by covering drinks for table 7" or some such.  Yet why do we not do that where we are now?  Something like " Hej, I'm drowning in trying to get this project done - any chance you could give me 4 days help in the lab or entering data points?"  Think how nice that would be!!
I think it has to do with prestige.  Waitressing, no matter how hard it was to get the job, no one had pretensions about being a big shot or smart or anything else - we knew we were just there to do the job as best we could and then go home to our real lives.  So maybe that is now going to be my attitude this year at work when I go back - total honesty, niceness, and no pretensions that what I am doing is not something anyone with lungs that function couldn't do.
And I am reminded trying to sit in church today that maybe I am ready to go back to work, before I kill one of my children!
And speaking of summer vacation, we had a crazy one.  Lots of guests.  Above is a picture of my parents and kids on the boat to Astol.  First time they came to visit us since we moved back to Sweden, and absolutely wonderful to have them here!

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